Feed on

Just in time for the holidays and just for pets, Sadie, my dog and the inspiration for Boulder Dog, and I are giving away a package of 3 great gifts for you and your dog or cat:

1. A crazy fun green alligator from Kyjen Company with 16 (That’s right 16!) squeakers. Okay, that might not be music to your ears but I bet you have a furry friend who can’t wait to make this alligator sing, er, squeak.

2. A fantastic FURminator. Get ahead of shedding dogs and cats for the holidays by using the this awesome deShedding tool.

3. Bissell’s crikey Pawsitively Clean foaming carpet and upholstery cleanerjust in case all the holiday hoopla precipitates a little accident, you know, an upset tummy, or a tinkle of excitement, we’ve got you covered.

Kyjen Alligator, crikey Pawsitively Clean, FURminator


It’s easy! Just a leave a comment to this post by 11:59 pm EST November 25, 2010 and you will be entered into the giveaway.

A winner will be selected by a random number generator.

I will notify the winner by email and ask for their address. The winner will have 24 hours to reply. If they do not reply within 24 hours, I will notify the second person on the list created by the random number generator, and so on.

Due to shipping logistics, only residents of the Unites States and Canada will be entered in the giveaway.

NOTE: All three gifts in this giveaway were included in my BlogPaws West 2010 schwag bag–and we’re passing them onto the winner.


Click on all the links below to enter more holiday pet gift giveaways!

Happy Holidays!

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138 Responses to “Holiday Hop for Pets: Alligator Giveaway!”

  1. We have the same alligator! We like to use it as a pillow sometimes.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rod Burkert, Kim Clune. Kim Clune said: Checking out: Holiday Hop for Pets: Alligator Giveaway! http://bit.ly/c6fyVQ (via @boulderdog1) […]

  3. Stephanie Mayfield says:

    My pups would love that alligator! I enjoy your blog. Thanks for sharing with the internet.


  4. Pamela says:

    Ok, Honey would never forgive me if I didn’t try to win her a plushy alligator toy with 16 (!) squeakers.

  5. Gina D says:

    thanks for the great giveaway. Bella loves to squeak, she makes music.

  6. Corbin says:

    WAHOO! How awesome! Enter me!

  7. Donna says:

    This is a Great Giveaway! We joined you on Networked Blogs and Tweeted your Giveaway – Holiday Hop for Pets: Alligator Giveaway! – http://bit.ly/aqoxYO

    Happy Holiday, Erin & Mom

  8. fokxxy says:

    Absolutely would LOVE to be entered. My dog goes crazy for anything that squeaks lol. This would be perfect! Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  9. As far as Buster and Ty are concerned, you can never have too many of those alligators! I feel the same way about the FURminator! =)

  10. Hi,

    We would love to be entered into your giveaway!

    Minnie and Mack

  11. Kim says:

    OOh, this looks like a good giveaway, we could really use the furminator, and the dogs would love the alligator. The carpet, well, it might be beyond the help of a small cleaner, but any fresh spots could be taken care of!

  12. Oskar says:

    I would love to win!

    hoerauf at comcast dot net

  13. Dianne says:

    Woof! My pups are excited by the possibilities! Thanks 🙂

  14. DogsMom says:

    These are awesome gifts. Thanks!

  15. Rachael says:

    I would love to see my dog’s face when she plays with a toy with 16 squeakers!! One is enough to send her into a fit of happiness =]

  16. Carrie says:

    Oh boy! My oldest dog Spike would LOVE that alligator. He always has a soft toy and carries it around the house, to whichever room we are in…just like Linus with his blanket!
    Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!

  17. Kristine says:

    What a fabulous giveaway! I can’t promise the alligator will live very long in my house but I know I could put everything else to excellent use.

  18. Rachel R. says:

    Wow, this giveaway has something for everyone! My dog would love the alligator and we could REALLY use the Furminator (Reese is a yellow lab).

    Thanks for the chance at winning! rstcere at gmail dot com

    Feel free to stop by and enter my giveaway in the hop:

    Teddy’s Pride Probiotics Oral Care for your Pet

  19. We’d love to be entered! Layla loves anything that squeaks, and the more obnoxious, the better. The alligator might be her new favorite!

  20. Elisa says:

    Wow! that alligator toy seems awesome! Thank you for having a giveaway!

  21. debp says:

    I would love to have this. My pets would be very happy.

  22. Loving the prizes! Happy Holiday Hop for Pets!

  23. Kari says:

    Ive always wanted to try a furminator on my lab!!

    Thanks for enetering the hop giveaway!

  24. We would love to be entered in this giveaway!!

    Elyse and Riley

  25. Cathy says:

    My little dogs would love this. My little boy dog loves anything that squeaks! Great giveaway.

  26. This is a fabulous giveaway prize! Gus would love this!

  27. Erin Lenore says:

    My new dog Kaya would love these gifts!

  28. blanket says:

    That’s a great giveaway and absolutely love the Furminater!

  29. Erin C says:

    What a generous giveaway! I could really use that spot cleaner – my older dog has decided to start revenge peeing in my house since we moved, and my younger one would ADORE that alligator!

  30. Jen Hooge says:

    So much fun!! That alligator would be a total blast! My dogs just adore squeaky toys. 🙂

  31. Wow, what great gifts! Following on Networked Blogs, and tweeted your giveaway, too!

  32. Jaime P says:

    would love it !! My 3 little doxie’s would love it

  33. Pam R says:

    My neph-pup would LOVE the alligator.

  34. kendra says:

    OHH I am so excited to be included in the chance to win! I am a mini doxie that loves toys and that cleaning foam mom needs sometimes!

  35. What a fantastic give-away and thanks for not making us jump through hoops to enter!
    You are soooooooo considerate! 🙂
    My Sheltie would love the alligator and the furminator!!!
    My Cat and Sheltie would love the carpet cleaner!
    Thanks so much!

  36. E.J. Stevens says:

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
    From the Shadows

  37. steve at gangs of new yorkie says:

    alligator!!! alligator!!! did anyone say alligator?!

  38. Jen says:

    What a great combination of prizes!
    Thank you for the chance to win these:)


  39. Linda Kish says:

    My mastiff would be in heaven with that alligator.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  40. Marlowe says:

    I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!
    marloweopat at gmail dot com

  41. sienna says:

    I’d love it all!!!!!

  42. Elaina says:

    My dog, Macey would love the toy and I would enjoy everything else to use it on her and to clean up after her in case of an accident. Thanks for such a great giveaway.

  43. Hi Y’all,
    Great giveaway. Just hopped by to visit and see what y’all are up to…fraid somebody would shoot that alligator. That’s what they do where I officially live.
    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  44. Ericka T says:

    What a great group of prizes. Something for everyone including me!! Thank you.

  45. Becky says:

    Gracie would love to be entered into your give-away. She’s already making plans for that alligator!

  46. Noah says:

    I would like to be entered

  47. Mary Haight says:

    Nice grouping, Deborah! And perfect timing for a giveaway – a great stocking stuffer for Tashi! I would love the furminator, but that must be the equivalent of buying clothes for a child at Christmas:/

  48. Tanya says:

    My beagle would love the new toy Thanks so much for the chance to win

  49. R Wentz says:

    Woohoo! These giveaways are great! I’m finding a lot of new blogs to follow!

  50. dawn says:

    Cool! Something for the dog and the human!

  51. pamela james says:

    Angus my black standard would love some new toys!!!

  52. Victoria B says:

    Thanks for the great giveaway! My dog and son would love to play with the alligator together!

  53. This is such an awesome prize!! Thanks for the chance!

  54. Lynda Del says:

    Fantastic giveaway! Would love to win this!

  55. Doreen says:

    Thanks for the chance. Cool prizes! Stopping by from the blog hop.

  56. Maureen says:

    I am visiting from over at Simply Stacie and love your blog! I am a new follower…thanks for the chance to win this for our boxer Jack’s stocking! He has been very good this year.

  57. Dianne says:

    Great give-aways! Thanks! Please count me in the contest! Any of these would be useful as I share my home with 3 50 lb dogs!

  58. Kim L. says:

    My little puppy would love to play with that Alligator!! She loves swag! haha… xo

    kimberly.long at gmail dot com

  59. Laura H. says:

    Thanks for participating in the blog hop and thanks for the great giveaway!

  60. Rebecca Graham says:

    The Furminator is just what I need for my cat.

  61. Amina says:

    Excellent package to giveaway! My little man would looooooove to win. Thanks for the chance 🙂 GLA!

  62. Tari L. says:

    Please enter my dog Simba in this contest :).

  63. Cool. It would be great to have that deshedder. Count me in

  64. Elaine R says:

    Wow! These would be great Christmas gifts for my 2 dogs.

  65. 409cope says:

    My little dog,Toni would love this prize pack!

  66. mickeyfan says:

    I’d give the alligator to my Golden granddog, and the furminator would be great for our Aussie.

  67. I have a mystery puker in the house so that carpet cleaning foam looks AWESOME.

  68. Monique Rizzo says:

    My Rosie would LOVE that Alligator.Thanks for the chance.

  69. crystle tellerday says:

    my pug max would love that alligator

  70. Linda Lansford says:

    This is just to cool

  71. Sherry E. says:

    We have two labs..everything would be put to good use!! Thank you for the entry!

  72. Earl Burbridge says:

    I’d bet Chewbacca and Rye would love fighting with that ‘gator!

  73. Cynthia R says:

    awesome giveaways, could def use the crikey Pawsitively Clean, FURminator

  74. Christine says:

    love the alligator

  75. Kathy Detweiler says:

    Our furbaby Chloe would love these!

  76. Carol says:

    I am a foster mom for kittens and pups, hope I win!

  77. Lauren E says:

    Wow, 16 squeakers? My dog loves new toys and there’s nothing better than a squeaky one!

  78. Darcy B says:

    Yes please—My fur babies would be thrilled!

  79. Brenda says:

    We could really use the FURmanator! Ha! You get my vote for the best gifts.

  80. susanmeep says:

    My little guys would love this! suelee1998 @ gmail.com

  81. Jennifer H. says:

    My doggies would love this prize pack! Hope I win!

  82. Janet W. says:

    I have Jack Russell Terriers and they shed BAD! I really would love to win!

  83. Art H. says:

    What a great giveaway. My dogs would love that alligator!

  84. Jennifer M says:

    Thanks so much for the chance!

  85. Tiffany Kellaway says:

    What a cool sweepstakes – my dog Meiko would LOVE those 20+ squeeky spots on the the alligator.

    tkellaway85 at gmail dot com

  86. EmilyS says:

    I might be able to keep my dogs clean!

  87. david basile says:

    cool prizes thanks

  88. Kelly Ann T. says:

    I would love the furminator for my alaskan malamute and he would love that toy with all those squeakers

  89. deana c says:

    This would be great to win. My dog really needs the Furminator.

  90. Vicki Wurgler says:

    I love that alligator!

  91. Amber Gi says:

    brutus loves his sqonkies…16 squekers would be fun!
    tattgiff at centurytel dot net

  92. Jeanette Jackson says:

    My little Templeton would love to find these under the Christmas Tree.

  93. loni says:

    I would love to win, count me in please

  94. Lisa Taylor says:

    My dog loves anything that makes noise Thanks for the chance lezanac@yahoo.com

  95. erma H says:

    I’d love to have this for my son.

  96. Kimberly says:

    I’ve wanted a furminator for a while. Thanks for sharing!

  97. Ceinwyn says:

    Oh how I would love to have a Furminator again! We left ours at a friend’s house one time and it mysteriously “disappeared”. Now my Cavalier drops hair tarantulas everywhere.

  98. Jodi says:

    I love all of these items. Thank you so much for the chance.

  99. Carol G says:

    I am not too sure about the dogs, but I bet my grandson would love the alligator! The Great Dane might like it, but she is very tentative with another squeaky toy we have.

  100. Marleina S. says:

    Awesome giveaway! I’m sure my squeaker loving Aussie would die to have this Alligator. Thanks for the chance to win.

  101. Jennifer M says:

    I haven’t seen this before, but my dogs would love it.

  102. Love your blog…that is why i am entering the giveaway.
    Have 2 boxers and am a foster for 2 rescues…. have a great

  103. shawna says:

    Would love this for our dogs.

  104. Pamela S says:

    My dogs love squeaky toys and I could use a furminator

  105. melinda smith says:

    I ‘m a newbee to your site. I enjoyed reading some of the articles.
    Great site,and my dog would like that alligator.

  106. annie armes says:

    Great giveaway! The furminator is awesome

  107. Erica C. says:

    What a fun set! My dog would die to just destroy those squeakers!

  108. Tonya Dean says:

    We need the Furminator! Dog hair everywhere!

  109. Catalina says:

    Ooo fun! We love Kyjen toys! catalinagrey at hotmail dot com

  110. Becky S. says:

    My puppy would love this, thanks!
    beckytag618 at gmail dot com

  111. Paula Hafner says:

    My dogs would love this. My Lab is especially into toys. She love to empty her toy box.

  112. MannaB says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  113. Storm says:

    My two would love to put on a concert with this one! They just love squeaker toys.

  114. Chrysa says:

    what super nice puppy presents!

  115. Vicki says:

    Really cute alligator! Thanks!!!

  116. Alison says:

    I’d LOVE to win! THANK YOU!!

  117. Justine says:

    Oooh I’d love to win this, I have a few pets who would love to be combed with this and a dog that would go crazy over so many squeakers!

    Ya, that’s him as my avatar 😀

  118. April says:

    My dogs would love this prize package!!

  119. Candie L says:

    I love the Gator. I bet Tatum dog would like the other stuff too. Thank you

  120. Diane Baum says:

    My dog and cats would go crazy over Mr. Allie

  121. kelley c says:

    My puppy nephew would LOVE this prize!


  122. Susan Smith says:

    I have 4 dogs so this would be great to win!

  123. pat says:

    Kinkade would love to wrestle an alligator.It would be the perfect Christmas present for him!

  124. Sara Niffenegger says:

    Would love to win this stuff for my pups Raster and Pixel!

  125. kathy pease says:

    Thank you for the great giveaway please count me in and Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

  126. Jeanne says:

    Ginger – I am newly adopted from animal control and would love to have a new toy all I have is hand-me-downs. Now I try to bring rocks and branches in to play with my new people, they would like something different.

  127. Chrystal J. says:

    Snowball would love these!

  128. Mary Casper says:

    great prize qould love this thanks for the chance

  129. Gianna says:

    What a great prize!

  130. carol lewis says:

    This is great! Our dog would love that Gator. We called him Gator when he was a pup!

  131. katklaw777 says:

    My Barkley and Annie would luv this prize and so would I!!!
    Great hop giveaway, thanks!

  132. Brittany Jerding says:

    Would love to win these! Thanks.

  133. Sarah Z says:

    Would love the furminator! and everything else!

  134. S Carter says:

    My Pug would go CRAZY over 16 squeakers in a toy!!

  135. in a house with two large dogs (one very shedd-y lab) and six cats the grooming tool would be soooo handy!! great giveaway
    writtendesign at gmail dot com

  136. Beverly Sadler says:

    This would be awesome to win. We just got a new puppy that sheds like crazy lol!

  137. […] to Holiday Hop for Pets: Alligator Giveaway saying “My puppy would love this, […]

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