This Friday’s ‘Fab 4’ are the 4 million heroic dogs that end up in shelters and breed rescue organizations every year in the United States.
Heroic? That’s right! These dogs are not ‘used’ or ‘damaged goods.’ These dogs are wise beyond their years. These dogs know love is best experienced when given freely. When we adopt these dogs into our hearts and homes they can inspire us, if we are smart enough to allow them, to become the kindest, most compassionate human beings that they know we have the potential to become.
Here a two ways you can help a dog!
1. Become a Fan, Help a Dog!
This year the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive is raising awareness for these awesome homeless dogs by donating a bowl of food to shelter dogs for everyone who becomes a “Fan” or “Likes” the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive on Facebook. So, if you’re not yet a fan, or you know someone who isn’t, and you want to feed a dog who might one day become the love of some lucky person’s life, click on the yellow and blue badge!
2. Write a Post, Help a Dog!

Is this one awesome pup who passed through a shelter on the way to his forever home. There are 3,999,999 more like him that we can help.
Special for BlogPaws West: For each blog (If you’re a blogger–that’s you!) that publishes a post about the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive from today, Thursday, September 9 through Sunday, September 19, PEDIGREE will donate a 20 pound bag of their new Healthy Longevity Food for Dogs to shelters nationwide. Why? Because most shelter dogs are more than 3 years old. How cool is that?
And, to crank things up a notch–the ten bloggers sponsored by PEDIGREE Adoption Drive to attend BlogPaws West (That’s me and 9 others.) are hosting a Blog Hop between next Thursday, September 16 through Sunday, September 19 to raise awareness and galvanize bloggers to “Write a post, help a dog!”
We want PEDIGREE to donate hundreds of 20 pound bags of food. Think about it. For every 100 blogs that publishes a post about the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive, PEDIGREE will donate 2,000 pounds of dog food to shelter dogs!
Do the math! We can Be the Change and feeds thousands of dogs thanks to PEDIGREE!
There are two simple guidelines:
- One post per blog.
- To be sure your post counts, to be sure your post results in PEDIGREE donating 20 pounds of food: Use #dogsrule when you announce your post on Twitter; use it in your post; use it as a ‘tag’ for your post; link to the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive Facebook fan page:
That’s it. It’s simple. It’s fun to help dogs!
Thank you PEDIGREE for helping all of us to Be the Change!