Winner #!: Ashley and Prudence won the Chicken Bits and Bison Biscotti

Giveaway 1: Bison Biscotti & Chicken Bits
Prudence is the lucky pooch and she blogs too! She barked posts for “Be the Change” on her blog— Of Cow Tails and Chew Toys: Straight from the dogs. And her blog was nominated for the “2010 Brodies” for excellence in petblogging. Go Prudence! Here’s her profile:
Hello! I feel greetings are in order. My name is Prudence, and I’m a dog. Yes, a four-legged, furry beastie that is really not all that tall (but in my heart I’m taller than a horse). My mom decided to make me this blog so I can share with the world a puppy’s perspective on all things human and canine. I think she just wanted an excuse to post adorable pictures of me on all of my adventures, which I really have no problem with, I love attention.
I am a Yorkie-Poo, or for those out of the know, a cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Poodle. I
enjoy spending time with my family (of both the two-legged and four-legged variety) and friends, as well as shopping, running on the beach, car rides, and playing with my toys. Of course, all of these things you will all learn about in due time.
Happy tail wags!
Winner #2: Sarah won the Bison Party Mix.
You’ve got to check out this back story! FYI Sarah’s mom entered for Sarah. This email is from Sarah’ mom:
Giveaway 2: Bison Party Mix
This is so wonderful ….let me tell you the back-story to my entry. I am in Lafayette, Louisiana ….my precious 22 year old daughter moved to Boulder last fall on a lark (more or less) after visiting the area and falling in love. “Boulder!”, I thought, “No, that’s too far!” But, she has flourished there and is very happy …she shares her life with her young Husky, Atka (and a young man who she adores); she recounts awe-sounding tales about hiking in the mountains (me: “Watch out for mountain lions!”) with Atka, about the wonderful “dog parks” you guys have there (remember, I am in Louisiana – LOL!), and basically how wonderful her life is in Boulder.
When I saw your giveaway, I entered for her and Atka. (I had a feeling I would win!) I looked at your face and read your site and thought that you were someone I would like my daughter to know. Her name is Sarah, she goes by Sary.
And now I’ve won! I’m very tickled and pleased, you’ve no idea. She is at work right now so I can’t call to let her know, but I wanted to write to you and confirm. I looked up the address for PC’s Pantry in Boulder – 30th Street- …and I think she works on 29th street. I will talk with her later today and let her know I have won this giveaway for her.
I just love it that she will now have a new contact in the pet community in Boulder!
As soon as I finish my coffee, and Sadie her breakfast, we’re off the the post office to mail the goodies to Prudence (and Ashley) and Sarah. Congratulations to you both!
Oh my! Could Prudence be any cuter? I don’t think so!
My feelings exactly! She’s a sweetie.
What a photo! Makes you just want to give her kisses:) And what a really lovely story and compliment from Sarah’s mom!
Oh, I know. Prudence! That face. I want to smooch her up too!
You guys are too nice! Pru says thanks a bundle for her compliments. She wishes she could give you all kisses and sniffs right now 😀
Can’t wait to get the goodies! I’m sure Prudence will love them.
Glad to meet you and Prudence. More pictures of her–pleeze. What a sweetheart.
I’ll definitely send you some photos of her enjoying her new snacks 😀
Pictures would be wonderful! I you don’t receive the goodies by the end of the week please let me know.
Oh my! I’m published! 🙂
(This is Sary’s mom.)
Deborah, thank you so much for everything …the giveaway, your nice letters, and for being so gracious and kind to us.
You’re most welcome. I hope Sary and Atka enjoy the goodies.
I really like your way of writing. great info too. Well, I’ll come back later. I’m headed out to walk my dog