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Dear Sadie Girl,

I missed you so much this morning while listening to Alexandra

“Mom, buy the one up there on the left. The Inside of a Dog.”

Horowitz, Ph.D. She was the first speaker at APDT. Remember when we went shopping at the Border’s Books and you pointed out her book, The Inside of a Dog, to me. Well, you were so right! She’s all about your umwelt and my getting to know it.

I can’t wait, sweetie. Next Monday when we’re at Mama Kitty’s together and you dance until I open the door to her garden and make a beeline to your favorite squirrel tree, well I’ll be right there behind you. I long to wonder at the miracle that is your twitching chocolate nose. I itch to follow you following the squirrel’s scent, wondering in amazement at the kaleidoscopic universe of smells you are translating into a time-lapsed understanding of dramas, incomprehensible to me but known to you, unfolding around the golden Aspen trees and in the rich mulch of pine needles under the giant Blue Spruce.

BTW, did you know you had a vomeronasal organ? It’s squished between your mouth and nose. Can you feel it? I think drool is especially suited for activating it, if that’s the right word. From what I understand, it should be easier to locate than a G-spot. Let me know.

I love you,


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8 Responses to “Dear Sadie: Love Letter #1 to My Dog from APDT”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rod Burkert, Kim Clune. Kim Clune said: Checking out: Dear Sadie: Letter #1 to My Dog from APDT http://bit.ly/d0CaA2 (via @boulderdog1) […]

  2. Kenzo says:

    easier than a G-spot? I am sure, in my next life I want to be reincarnated as a dog!

  3. Edie says:

    Love this (and got a kick out of the last line)! I’m at the Tucson airport — free internet, hoorah — and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! Sorry I missed today’s sessions but now I know I can get the full reports.

  4. Amy Palmer says:

    Wait…dogs are allowed in Borders?

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